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Finance and Accountancy Association


Finance and Accountancy Association provides a common platform to academia and industry working in the area of finance and accounting to exchange views on corporate finance, accounting and corporate governance, financial market and risk management. This association helps to provide fruitful knowledge to students and get them ready to enter the corporate world. Introduced many courses which are related to current requirements of the corporate sector. This association helps to build collaboration between the College and corporate sector.

Aims & Objectives:

  • To impart knowledge of the corporate sector through professional courses.
  • To develop the corporate skills among students.
  • To upgrade their knowledge by conducting study tours and field visits.
  • To provide a platform for internships in reputed companies./li>

Benefits for Students and College:

  • College get educational resource person to impart their knowledge to our students.
  • Opportunities to network and grow career through conferences, seminars, webcasts, and other events.
  • Earning certifications which demonstrate your knowledge and experience and are also good for students’ resumes.

Accounting Article Volume 01:

Minutes of Industrial Advisory Academic Board March 2024:

Finance and Accountancy Association:

The Following will constitute for the Academic Year:2023-2024

Video Lecture:

Events & Activities Photo:

Formation of IAAB

Visit to RBI and BSE

MoM-The First Meeting was held on Saturday22/11/2023 at 11.00 am in the  staff room and association discuss the following points:-


Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Experience: 14 Years
Email: prakash.b@klessccmumabi.edu.in

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