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About N-List

The library has access to e-resources through N-LIST (National library Information services and Infrastructure for scholarly content) of INFLIBNET. All e-resources subscribed to the college under the NLIST project are now accessible to the library through the NLIST website, http://nlist. Inlibnet.ac.in these resources include e-journals and e-books accessible to the faculty and students. Library members have to register to get a personal user id and password. Remote access is available. Access and downloading of the articles is possible directly from the publisher’s website. Various other e-Journals and e-Resources are made available to the students, staff and the faculty members through Digital Library. A patron can surf the internet, and view academic related content and download information about their topic or subject in the digital library.

Apart from this, the users of the digital library can also browse the parent library through the library.


Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Experience: 14 Years
Email: prakash.b@klessccmumabi.edu.in

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