- Admission to linguistic Minority students will be done at the College Level before the online admission on the basis of merit. Students must submit the following documents:
a) Pre admission form (Available at Office Counter)
b) Attested Photocopy of MArk Sheet
c) Attested Photocopy of School Leaving Certificate along with Original - All other category admissions will be done online.
- Admission to the F.Y.J.C will be as per the online system introduced by the Government of Maharashtra / Deputy Director of Education, Greater Mumbai.
- The schedule will be announced on the college website, after the S.S.C result declaration.
- Students failing to secure admission by paying fees on the day, date, and time specified will lose their claim for admission. No claim in this respect will be entertained later for any reason what so ever.
- All admissions are provisional and will only be confirmed after verification of documents submitted and Eligibility confirmation from person authorities.
- Student should pass all the subjects with minimum 35 marks.
- For open school students English & Mathematics subjects are compulsory for XI Science admission. For XI Commerce English subject is compulsory (It should not be a graded subject)
A. Linguistic Minority
- Completely filled college admission form.
- Self attested photocopy of Std X Mark Sheet.
- Original school leaving certificate.
- Students self declaration form (for Linguistic Minority).
- Fees by ash / Online Payment / demand draft drawn in favour of “President KLE Jr. College of Science & Commerce”.
B. Students coming from Board other than Maharashtra State Board for Provisional certificate
- Application in the prescribed form which is obtained from the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Mumbai Division, Navi Mumbai, Vaashi – 400703.
- Original statement of marks and three photocopies of the same.
- Original leaving certificate (Counter signed by Educational Inspector) and three photocopies of the same.
- Original Mogration certificate.
- Passing certificate.
- Eligibility form issued by Maharashtra State Board (Applicable for students passed X std exam other than Maharashtra State Board).
- Transcript of syllabus of the subjects passed (Convertible Marksheet) and One Photocopy of the same.
C. Students seeking admission under sports and cultural category must attach true copy of relevant documents.
- Admission Form.
- No objection certificate from the juinor college which he / she last attended.
- School leaving certificate of the college last attended.
- Original & attested photocopy of Mark Sheet of F.Y.G.C. showing promotion to S.Y.G.C. class.