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Alumni Association


An Alumni association is an association of graduates or, more widely, former students (alumni).Social gatherings, magazine or periodical publications, and fund-raising are common activities planned by these societies. Numerous offer an array of perks and facilities to assist former students in keeping in touch with their university and other grads.

Aims & Objectives:

  • To encourage and develop healthy interactions between K.L.E. Society’s Science and Commerce College alumni and current students, as well as among alumni themselves.
  • To make it possible for former students to take part in events that will advance the college’s overall development.
  • To arrange and collect funds for the development of the college.
  • To encourage the Alumni to take an active and abiding interest in the work and progress of the Institute so as to contribute towards enhancement of the social utility of their Alma Mater.

Committee / Association Composition:

MoM (PDF):

A meeting was conducted on 11th September 2023 to discuss about the Alumni Association and minutes of meeting are as follows:

  • Preparation of Notice of Alumni Meet.
  • Preparation of Flyer of Alumni Meet for Website.
  • Organized two Skits of BMS and B.Sc students for Alumni.
  • Prepared one common Video of Alumni of different Departments.
  • Arranged Refreshments for Alumni


Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Experience: 14 Years
Email: prakash.b@klessccmumabi.edu.in

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