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Descipline Goals



1. Cleanliness is next to Godliness:
• Ensure that each one keeps the premises clean. Bits of paper, food particles, unwanted material may be thrown in the dust bin. Area around the dust bin must be clean. Each one takes tender care of garden, plants, flowers, lawns – because they keep campus lovely & lively.

2. Silence is Golden:
• Keep Silence, Listen More, Talk Less and in Low Decibels.

3. Be a proud student as an owner of the college:
• Protect and preserve the college property. Always wear valid college identity card and produce it on demand by any staff. Ensure your friends also wear it.

4. A stitch in time saves nine:
• Be punctual & regular always. Attend all lectures, practicals, tests, testimonials, assignments on time. Participate in all events, programmes etc.

5. Knowledge is power:
• Cultivate the habit of reading. Use Library / Reading room during free period. Read notices, circulars displayed on the notice board. Share your knowledge with others.

6. Strong body and healthy mind:
• Use of gymkhana and games (both indoor and outdoor) are encouraged. Yoga, Meditation classes are conducted regularly. Actively participate in such classes.

7. Duty to respect the constitution:
• Love and respect self and others and above all constitution by doing things rightly.

8. Prevention is better than cure:
• Ragging
• Smoking, Use of tobacco and it’s related products and chewing gum
• Malpractices during examination
• Loitering in the premises
• Defacing of walls, doors, windows, desks etc.
• Congregating on the road in front of college
• Sitting on the steps of the staircase or portico of the college
• Committing any kind of nuisance
• Organising or attending any meeting and collecting money without written permission of the Principal
• Habi tual idleness, late coming, wi l l ful disobedience or misconduct individually or collectively
• Insubordination, use of indecent language and behaviour
• Bringing the mobile phone within the premises
• Wearing T-shirts without collar, having pictures, slogans etc.
• Damaging college property Each one shall take active interest in protecting and preserving college property. Damage and /or loss of any kind to the property is compensable either individually or collectively.
The above said acts amount to breach of discipline and attract penalty. So prevent it.

9. Practice before Preach:
• College conducts / organises variety of activities / programmes for personality development with the permission of the Principal. Actively participate.

10. Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones in college premises except mobile zone:

11. Students have to follow the instructions issued by state govt, university of mumbai, Deputy Director, Local and college authorities time to time pertaining to Covid-19 pandemic situation:


Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Experience: 14 Years
Email: prakash.b@klessccmumabi.edu.in

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