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Dr. Anamika Shrivastav


  • Ph.D in Journalism and Mass Communication from Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra
  • M.A. mass communication & Public Relation
  • B.A. English Literature & Philosophy

List of Publication of Research Papers:
Acceptance for UGC and Scopus:

  • Srivastava, A. (2023) “Is Metaverse the Future of Experiential Marketing for Gen Z”, accepted for Scopus Journal.
  • Kulkarni, A., Srivastava, A. (2022) “Media Audience and Market Response” in Book Titled “Emerging Trends: In Advertising And Marketing Communication Strategies” Pp:62-79, ISBN NO: 978-93-94981-13-3 By Mysore Book House Publisher, Mysore


  • Srivastava, A. (2021) “A Study on Analyzing the Status of Women’s Skill” Anusandhan Peer reviewed, (NDIM’s Journal of Business and Management Research), Vol.III, Issue 2, Pp: 15-23, ISSN 2581-8120.
  • Srivastava, A. (2017) “Media as a Catalyst for Empowering Divyangs” National Journal of Jan Sanchar Vimarsh (BI-Lingual Media Research Journal) Pp:218 -221, ISSN 2277-3932.

Experience: 1 year


Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Experience: 14 Years
Email: prakash.b@klessccmumabi.edu.in

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