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Extension Programme


Extension Programme is a statement of Situation, Objectives , problems & Solutions. It is a set of clearly defined, consciously conceived objectives or ends derived from an adequate analysis of the situation, which are to be achieved through extension teaching activities.

Aims & Objectives:

  • To Promote better social, natural recreational intellectual and spiritual life among the people.
  • To open new opportunities for developing talents and leadership of rural people.
  • To empower communities by providing them with the tools and knowledge needed for sustainable development.
  • To enhance the skills of individuals through training and education to improve the practices or livelihoods.
  • To promote environmentally friendly and sustainable practices that contribute to long term well-being.

Committee Composition:

Photo Gallery:

Extension committee in collaboration with WDC visited hospital and gifted roses and greeting card to cancer patients on world cancer day on (05/02/2024)


Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Experience: 14 Years
Email: prakash.b@klessccmumabi.edu.in

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