Library is regarded as face of every college. It provides required learning resources to the Learners.Our college library is functional since 2013 ,catering requirements of students since then. On the second floor Library is situated in 3050 sq. ft.area.An attempt has been made to make our Library updated with latest softwares for accession ,books records etc. Our E-library is well equipped with open e-sources as well as In-flibnet Along with E-Library a spacious reading hall is made available with the accommodating capacity of 100 students.Presently,total 2350 students from Junior College,Degree College and Post Graduation streams are availing Library facility.
Library Automation
The library is partially automated with integrated library management software SOUL 3.0 (Software for University Libraries) of INFLIBNET. The various organisation activities of the library such as data entry, issue and return of books, member logins etc. are done through the software. The OPAC (Online public access catalogue) service is also provided, where the users can search for the collection of books by title, author, publisher etc.
Cyber Library with Internet Facility:
The library has a separate cabin exclusively devoted for a digital library. It is in housed with 15 PCs.
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- SOUL 3.0 Library Management Software.
- 168.1.180/webopac/default.aspx.
- Only college aria readers can search available books in the Library.
Library Services:
- Circulation Service
- Current Awareness Service
- Reference Service
- Library Orientation
- New Arrivals Display
- News Paper Clipping
- Past Exam Papers
- Book Bank Scheme
- Internet Service
- Photocopy/Xerox service
External Membership:
The library offers read/reference membership only to external users for academic and research purposes. The external membership is provided by alumni /UG or PG students/Ph.D. scholars/ professionals /members of other institutions/ organisations on a payment basis. Individuals interested in external membership shall apply for membership by filling out the form available at the circulation counter in the library. The membership enrolment shall be done on approval of the application form by the Principal. Access to our library and memberships are governed by rules and regulations of the library that are revised from time to time.
Members are expected to:
- Respect private and institutional properties within library premises
- Abide by the library’s Rules and Terms of access.
- Must show valid identification and library membership ID upon request
- Use library resources for academic purposes only.
Library Facilities:
- Internet Access Facility
- College Book Bank Facility
- University Book Bank Facility
- OPAC Search Facility
- Wi-Fi Access Facility
- CCTV Surveillance Facility
Library Committee:
The library committee plays an advisory role in all library matters. The committee meets twice a year and informal meeting of the members are held as and when required. The committee also meets the principal to seek his approval and guidance as far as important issues are concerned.
Library Rules and Regulations
- An identity card is necessary for all library transactions. ID cards are non-transferable.
- Users are requested to maintain silence in the library.
- The library reading area should be used only for reference and consultation of resource materials.
- Enter your name and signature in the register kept atthe entrance counter before entering inside the library.
- Silence should be maintained. No discussion ispermitted inside the library.
- Using cellular phones and audio instruments with or without speakers or headphones is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
- If the membership card (Library Card) is lost, the Librarian should be informed immediately. In genuine cases, a duplicate card may be issued on payment of Rs.25/-.
- All students are allowed to borrow only TWO books at a time for a period of 7 days. There will be a fine of Rs. 5.00 per day after the due date.
- Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource.
- If an issued book is lost / damaged, it is to be either replaced with the latest edition or pay the cost of the book after getting permission from the librarian.
- Reference materials should not be taken outside the library.
- Mobile strictly prohibited for all, fine Rs. 50/- will be charged, if it is found.
Working hours:
On working days | 7.30 am to 5.30 pm |
During examination days | 7.30 am to 06.00 pm |
During vacation | 8.30 am to 05.00 pm |
Sundays and holidays | Closed |