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Report Writing Committee


About Committee:A report of an eventis a document consisting of data, facts, and statistics about that particular event. The main basis of report writing is to use factual information to extract meaning from it.It is a reliable piece of information since it is derived from facts and figures.

Report Writing committee of KLE Society’s Science and Commerce College assembles all the activities reports held under any department/committee chronologically in a month and send its pdf(Soft Copy) to head office, KLE Society, Belgaum after getting confirmed by Principal Sir/Ma’am through official mail of principal, KLE Society’s Science and Commerce College.

The head of departments/Committee in-charges are fully responsible for the data provided in their activity reports. All faculty members are instructed to send their activity reports as word documents in prescribed format and with geotag photographs till 8th day of each month to kledcreports@klessccmumbai.edu.in.

Aims & Objectives:


  • To provide a fair and accurate portrayal of events.
  • To present information in a way that is objective and unbiased.
  • To maintain the data of events held in a particular month conducted under any department/committee.


  • To inform the reader about topic and theme of an event.
  • To prove event success.
  • To get information about the conducting department/committee and purpose of any particular event.
  • To analyze the number of students/faculties benefited from the event.

Benefits for Users:

  • To make decision based on facts and evidence.
  • Consolidated and updated information about the event.
  • Readers can get reliable data which can be used in the planning.
  • To frame rules, regulations and policies.
  • Readers can analyze an issue or problem, and provide a recommended course of action.

Report Writing Committee:

The Following will constitute the Report Writing Committee for the Academic Year:2023-2024


Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Experience: 14 Years
Email: prakash.b@klessccmumabi.edu.in

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