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Student Council / Students Welfare / Awards and Prizes


The student council will act as an umbrella body for all the clubs and committees on campus, ensuring their smooth functioning at each juncture. Apart from being the link between the students and the management, the Student Council will be responsible for the brand enhancement of the campus and will constantly strive towards making the experience of the student on campus comfortable and enriching.

It will be the responsibility of the Council to ensure that all events, activities and interactions on campus are conducted in a manner acceptable to the culture and norms of the university. The Council will assist all clubs and committees on campus with their functioning and conducting of various other activities.

Aims & Objectives:

To be the voice of the students to the administration and vice versa as well.

  • The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.
  • Create an environment where every student can voice out their concern or need.
  • To provide a platform where the students can showcase their talent without hesitation.
  • The student council is responsible for graceful functioning of Student and College organized events.

Objectives of Awards and Prizes:

  • To appreciate and honor the achievers.
  • Long services awards given to teachers for their long association with the institute.

Student council:

Student council 2023-24:


Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Experience: 14 Years
Email: prakash.b@klessccmumabi.edu.in

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